Sound the Trumpet Ministries

Arise, Jerusalem! Let your light shine 

for all to see.

For the glory of the Lord rises to 

shine on you.

Isaiah 60:1

For if you remain silent at this time, relief and deliverance for the Jews will arise from another place, but you and your father’s family will perish. And who knows but that you have come to your royal position for such a time as this?

Esther 4:14

Awakening Journey of the Bride

“Awaken, Oh Bride: A Daily Journey with God”

This book invites you on a daily journey with God, preparing you to one day become His bride. The path of preparation leads to a deep, personal, and intimate relationship with Christ. Love, the foundation of all relationships, is at the center of this transformative process, for God Himself is love.

Throughout the Bible, marriage is a recurring theme. In Ephesians 5:25, Paul instructs husbands to love their wives just as Christ loved the church and sacrificially gave Himself for her. This divine love mirrors the essence of marriage—both a physical union and a spiritual bond.

The first miracle recorded in the Bible occurred at a wedding, emphasizing the significance of this sacred covenant. “Awaken, Oh Bride” offers practical insights compatible with everyday life. The journals within these pages provide glimpses into the vast wisdom and knowledge of God, specifically related to bridal preparation.

About the Author:

Rochelle Butler, also known as “GG: God’s Girl,” founded Sound the Trumpet Outreach Ministries under divine guidance. She resides in Columbia, MO, the Show Me State. Rochelle’s purpose is to proclaim the word of the Lord through the testimony of Jesus Christ, and she was destined for such a time as this.

Awaken Oh Bride

“Awaken Oh Bride: A Call to Arise”

This personal collection of journals serves as a clarion call to the church—a summons to awaken and arise. Picture the new day dawning, as described in Isaiah 60:1: “Arise, shine; for thy light is come, and the glory of the Lord is risen upon thee.”

For too long, the church has lingered in the shadows, obscured by sin and selfishness. Our brilliance has dimmed. But the Lord’s purpose in inspiring these journals extends beyond mere reading material. They carry light and truth, prayerfully leading to transformative change.

The journey has been arduous, yet it’s time for the church to cast aside veils that obscure our vision and fix our gaze upon Christ. He has plans for His Bride—to prepare her. This preparation involves a process of returning and refining, shaping us into a church without blemish, wrinkle, or imperfection.

If you’re ready for the dawn of a new day, if you’re willing to prepare to meet the King, this collection of journals is tailor-made for you. Practical and designed for daily use, it accompanies us through the end times. As we embark on this transformative journey, may “Awaken Oh Bride” rekindle your love for God, ignite your passion, and awaken the warrior within.

Together, let’s race toward the finish line of Jesus Christ. Along the way, may you encounter Him, and may the tools within this spiritual toolbox prove invaluable.

About Rochelle​

“GG-God’s Girl.

” Welcome Friends,
I am so glad you stopped by my page and hope that you find something useful, meaningful, and uplifting to add to your day and journey with Christ. Over seven years ago, I noticed something was missing in my walk with God and Church- it had become unrecognizable; there was a void in me. As I prayed over the situation, the Lord led me out of the Church and into Christ, his Son, my living water and oasis that forever quenches my thirst.

Awaken Oh Bride: A Daily Journal of Awakening
Article on St Largus News

What readers are saying

Great book!

Great book about finding your faith!

Great Journal Read

I loved this book! It really spoke to me. It has 44 journal entries. I started every morning reading a journal a day, it was nice prerequisite to my morning prayer and devotional. This is a great book for opening your eyes to the way every Christian should be living! Selah!

Inspirational Blessing

Rochelle’s book “Awaken Oh Bride” was a blessing to read. Her concise journals and quoted scripture are ever so relatable to our current everyday lives and inspired me to dig deeper into the Word.

Whether you’re searching or awakened, her insightful book illustrates, teaches, and encourages.

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AWAKEN OH BRIDE Amazon & Million Words Publishing

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