Sound the Trumpet Ministries

How Does Your Garden Grow?

How does your garden grow? We know in the natural realm of things, plants need to have the right climate to grow in the garden, with the help of their gardener. The gardener cannot do it alone. Though he does his part planting, watering, and purging, he still needs the climate to help the natural elements play their role in a fruitful harvest. Through the wind, the storms, the rain, and heat, the plant has a good chance of surviving and producing good fruit. When a plant is firmly planted and correctly taken care of, it can withstand the storms no matter the season Ecclesiastes 3:1-9.

Seasons are necessary in our lives as each season will add or take away something that enables us to mature in Christ, grow up, and become a representation of Christ, which is the goal. Perhaps today in your journey; you are experiencing shaking, and in a season of your life, that may not appear helpful in the present moment. Maybe nothing is going the way you expected, and it’s been this way, it seems forever. I pray something said today would help you get back on track and shed some light and encouragement in your situation and mindset.

One thing I have found in seasons of my life, the Lord was adding or taking away something for my good or maturing me in the barren areas of my life that were not producing spiritual fruit. The enemy’s goal is to get us to become mad at God and blame Him for what is happening to us, believe me I have been there. Remember, he is the big deceiver. Depending on how we respond and react will determine who will get their way with us, the Lord, the Devil, or ourselves. Remember, the Devil hates us and is a liar from the beginning; the Lord always has our best interest in all seasons of life.

We know in the natural realm of things plants need to have the right climate to grow, with the help of their gardener. The gardener cannot do it alone. Though he does his part planting, watering, and purging, he still needs the climate to help the natural elements play their role in a fruitful harvest. When a plant is firmly planted and correctly taken care of, it can withstand the storm of all climate changes and can weather the storm. Through the wind, the storms, the rain, and heat, the plant has a good chance of surviving and producing good fruit.

In a week, day, year, and months on this journey, we encounter all kinds of seasons, employment-related issues, finances, health, family, church issues, and so many more.

The seasons I have mentioned have periods that can be both positive and negative. We have seasons when everything is tranquil and going according to our plans. Nothing but blue skies and rainbows, and we all love those seasons. Yet, it’s easy to remain in those seasons because there is no conflict or trouble in our lives. Conflict is necessary for growth; we must have resistance to produce spiritual stamina. When we hear the word trouble, it’s a connotation to most of us a bad and despised word. The problem usually brings pain, frustration, and disappointment.

Within each season of life, there usually are times of great trials and victories that come as we journey through our day-to-day walk with the Lord. The fruit of the spirit is the nature of Christ implanted in each of us in seed form. When we received him as our savior, his life and nature are in us, though only in seed form at the beginning. To the degree that we allow Christ, the anointed one, to grow in us will be the degree to which each fruit is allowed to grow and make progress in our spiritual lives. The fruit of the spirit is the power of Christ-life in us, and I mean power. God is love. From love does all the other fruit grow. That is why a personal relationship with Christ is so meaningful. When we love Christ rightly, we will obey him wholeheartedly. Our vineyard must always be ripe for the picking because we do not know when the owner will come to pick his fruit.

Learning how to love God with our heart, mind, soul, and strength comes through the daily experience of coming to know Him. All the fruit of the spirit is capsulated in that one fruit – love. Without love, I will not be patient, kind, meek, gentle, long-suffering, self-control, or anything else. King David said it so profoundly, “The love of God constrains me.” Our character supersedes everything else, and it shines in the face of others our true identity regardless of title or spiritual gifting; people see who and what we are.

I have so often encountered people who are leaders, but their character and disposition speak so other to who Christ is, and it eventually hinders the sheep and restrains Christ amongst a people. Christ in us is Christ through us. I see so much sensuality and very little life of Christ. It is so disappointing and dangerous. God will judge at the appointed time.

The fruit grows exceedingly in the right climate, with the right vinedresser. Our goal is to become ripe fruit, people of a mature stature for Christ, and fruit that reveals His testimony and life, His nature and character. Christ left us a beautiful example of when he walked the earth and dealt with the Pharisees and Sadducees, who were critical religious people who constantly challenged Him in hopes of finding fault and draw Him on the carnal ground, but they failed every time. In the scriptures, we read that Christ slipped away from the crowd to be with His Father in prayer. He awakened a great while before day to pray to be with His father. Sometimes we have to walk away from people, churches, and anything else that tries to come between our father and us. I hear much emphasis placed on being in a church, which is a part of our walk, but the emphasis should be IN CHRIST. The truth is you can be in church and never become in Christ because in Christ is about relationship and not church membership.

So, I ask today, how does your garden grow? Hopefully in Christ.

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